Thursday 11 August 2011

Why Networks matter?

Exactly why do networks matter? I used to question myself about this when I was younger, being the anti social I was then I didn't really care much about establishing network with people, but it hit me like a ton of brick when I realize how important it is to have networks when I became older and more sociable.

"This is why we live in a network society, not information society or knowledge society"

I have to agree with this particular part of the journal, as what Castells stated that we today are more of an network society socialite. Take for example, look at today how some business flourish so well even though they just started in less then a year ago, or how a fresh graduate could get a higher pay then his other colleague? The answer to that is having networks, it is believe that so long you have an abundance of network you will have flourishing business, better opportunities and etc.

"First, the network society expands on a global scale."

Castells states that globalization knows no boundaries and also stated that material communication infrastructure is the basis of multidimensional networks. While network society is organized on a global scale, not all territories and people are connected to it. However, all countries are influenced by it through logic, interest and conflict. Meanwhile, the multidimensional networks structure people's life around the globe, while also being shaped and modified by codes and programs created by people. My take on this bit, would be that network society are influenced globally towards the fact that is so influential that it affects everyone, whereas information society or multidimensional networks are only influence on whatever that happens online which is usually created by scripts and codes.

"Second, networked organizations out competes all form of organization"

Network expand through vertical, rigid and command and control bureaucracies in the business world. I find it quite true as companies today need to build partnership and network in order to survive the "big boys" competitions, especially the small and medium sized companies who would usually be "swallowed up" by the bigger companies to take out the competition.

"Third, the networking of political institutions is the de facto response" 

Politics, as dirty as a game it can be we are all govern by them. I agree with the fact that they are the de facto response to management crisis in a nation but to what extent? Is hiding the truth away from the public considered a crisis management to avoid a mass hysteria or just to hide some illegal scandal?

"Fourth, civil society is reconstructed at a local and global level"

Freedom of speech today seems to be only available to the extent of the internet, but even so we can still get into trouble. The term freedom of speech has long been debated all around the world to the point that is rather rhetorical.

"Fifth, sociability is transformed in new historical context"

In other words, most people are creating their own network using the likes of Facebook and Google +. Is the best way to get in touch with any of your networks.

"Sixth, the whole range of social practices, both global and local, communicates in the media space."

Being able to utilize all forms of media gives anyone the edge, as media shaped the way we think. It is also both flexible and interactivity gives media an infinite capacity to integrate and exclude, thus defining the boundaries of society.

The last point that Castells pointed out was that in today network society, power continues to the fundamental structuring force which is true, but powers ultimately doesn't lie in the hands of political institute or huge corporations. But they are in the hands of the people, we are part of the network after all and we are the ones that make out society. To counter the network of power, new networks has to be introduced. By doing so, the ones dominating the network of power for too long would be taken completely off guard. But is hard to say for us living in Malaysia as the people still fights for their freedom or speech and the power hungry politicians.


  1. Its a very good interpretation of the jour bro. i to tally agree with you that the power does not lie in the hands of the political institues and such but in the hands of the people that are part of the network because the emergence of individualism could be seen as a rising impact due to the network relationship that is available in the society now.

  2. Hello Ivan!

    First of all, I agree that w/ network comes a development in technologies and apps and sites and whatnot. And w/ these, it has helped many to communicate - wait for it - online!

    In some ways as I have realized, it is definitely easier to talk to someone online rather on the basis of face to face. So in some ways, it does really help one anti social to come out of his shell a lil. :)

    I like your question about politics and their usage on networks. It is true that most politicians have resolved to using networks as a mean for crisis management.

    And as you've said it, to what extent can they go to, covering up scandals and all. I suppose this is one of the downsides of what network has to offer to us. There would obviously be some rotten apples in the pictures.

    It's no doubt that issues like this will pop up, we'll have to see where this leads to. Even worse I reckon. Maybe there's a cure for this! Maybe not. But we can try. :D

    But one thing is for sure that network is invisible and it's so vast that it's hard to restrict people who have been mistreating the networks. But I'm sure to their defence, they will have their own facts to counter attack their deeds.

    What am I saying?! I hope I'm not sprouting nonsense! :P

  3. A couldn't agree more with the last point of your post, that today power ultimately lies in the hands of the people.

    However your explanations of these points, might need further discussions as they fall short from main intents of those points:

    "The networking of political institutions is the de facto response"

    "civil society is reconstructed at a local and global level"

    Other than that, good job. Keep it up
