Monday 22 August 2011

Cybernetic Ecology

"Everything in this world is connected, one way or another."

That saying above is a philosophy that I believe truly in, it is if you look at it, everything in life is connected, how you were brought into this world? Your parents. How your parents manage to bring into this world? They met and fell in love. Is a long process that connects to something else and it continues to go on. However, let's look at this at a networking point of view, our cell phones keeps us connected with friends and families, social networking site keeps you connected to friends that you haven't met in years and Skype allows you to keep in contact with your loved ones who is in some other part of the world. Technology has advanced so much that we are able to be connected from anywhere in the world, we are able to get information from anywhere whereas previously it would be difficult.

However, being this easily to obtain connection through new media has become a bit second nature to many, and in time it will be natural to them which would in turn be the ecology.

Nodes as this article is filled with it are just like us people, when there's a large number of people it forms a community, and as a community is function best when everyone works together. Similar to the nodes they rely on each other, the fact that every node embeds a singular combination of connections to other nodes, ties them into one large shared environment in which all elements are interdependent. Take for example in the real world, the Android OS is starting to become the most popular OS on phones because its an open source and many phones such as HTC, Samsung, LG etc are using this OS. Now what's good about is that this OS allow Android users to connect easier to other Android OS users phones. Another example would be Apple Iphone, being Apple its only able to connect (bluetooth etc) with other Apple Iphones which lacks the interdependency.


Change is something that is constantly happening around us, changes in people, changes in climate and environment and even changes in information ecology. Nodes don't just stay the way they are, they are ever changing as well. Nodes tend to mix with other Nodes with the intention of growing bigger. Just like us we all mix with a certain group of people hoping to be accepted and grow with the group, but what happens if we don't blend well with the group? Of course we would leave, similar to the Nodes they won't mix if they can't grow. So what happens when we finally blend in with this group? We adapt and our characteristic will change right? The Nodes too will do that and they adapt and change towards the other Nodes.

Time- Boundness
Remember someone would say time is money? Well in this fast pace world we live in, it definitely is. We want everything fast nowadays including information, if not we would fall behind. Just like the Nodes and Flow it depends on the relation of the two. Nodes needs to act fast while the Flow supports the Nodes by supplying them the "stamina" needed in order to transmit data to us. Example if you have a slow internet connection the Nodes wants to act fast to get you the information you seek but can't do say cause the flow isn't supplying much to the Nodes forcing it to transmit data slower.

The idea of being compared is annoying, but yet is done all the time. This is to differentiate between good and bad and better and good. Nodes are very much like us, each information they carry makes a difference, same as us isn't it? We work hard at our tertiary education hoping to make a difference when we go for a job interview, if you don't make the cut you don't get hired is that simple. Nodes will continue to carry information in order to make a difference as each information is different from the other. If the Nodes can't catch up they will die out. This is after all a dog eat dog world.

Overall, Nodes work just like us human in every way. The four dimension that they go through is similar to what we go through as well we depend on one another to survive and to strive, we change in order to achieve more or to gain more, and in such a competitive world we always want things fast and we do all these hoping to make a difference in life.


  1. I think how you explain "Differentiation".
    A dog eat dog world. I like this statement.
    Nodes have to win each other in order to be different from others. They have to do so to be the survivor if not they'll be left out.

  2. Hi, Ivan. I like your conclusion. That is the point - "nodes are like us human is every way, we depend on one another to survive and to strive, we change in order to achieve more or to gain more".

    The world of cyberspace fulls of more than thousand nodes and they flow information in the speed of light. There are many competition between all the nodes like we do. Nodes need to change information or maybe we can say "update" and be different to others because they want to survive within the environment. Nodes keep themselves updated to be in competition.

  3. Hi ivan. i love the saying that you have stated at the starting of your post, "Everything in this world is connected, one way or another." its very much true and with the development of technology, the network has now become more huge that it was. As you have stated in the breakdown of change, "Change is something that is constantly happening around us", and this is the exact change that we are all actually going through evryday without even realising. How many would have even realised that they are actually being in two different world which is the cyberworld and the real world. Nice piece of article bro.

  4. Your introduction and conclusion is epic - nicely put, my friend!

    I guess the information ecology, like you said are like our parents. They have to start somewhere, they have to learn how to live with each other and survive, finding ways to solve problems, mutually benefit each other and so on. And they are doing their part to ensure its continuity through us, their kids. It's not an easy process, but it sure is worth it.

    Our achestors, our parents and the past heros and contributors wrote the great advancement of the world we live in today. From your blog, I think we all can take note that we are in fact a very big part of this ecology, and the spearheads of even better things. That we must be doing and contributing, and not just sitting around crossing our legs. I guess when you put human emotions into it, things come into perspective.

    I think people tend to forget although we have a digital network, it is powered by the human emotion, human thought, human ability and human's hopes and wishes.
