Friday 26 August 2011

Liquidifiying work and play

For the past couple of weeks, I have been looking at how technology and network has influence and change the way we live our lives. That being said, technology today is no longer a tool for just leisure use, but it has become so essential that is impossible for us to live without it. See that businessman having a cup of coffee at Starbucks? What is he typing on his BlackBerry? Well, it seems only like yesterday that mobile phones were once only to call out and to sms, but fast forward to the present day it seem that technology has evolve so fast that we can barely catch up with it.

But for this week, we will be taking a look at Liquid Labor, yes is a new kind of labor where work and leisure meets. Liquid labor as its name implies, is flexible and it shift and shapes according to whatever changes that occurs.

How is this possible? Well we are in at age where technology is moving towards being more mobile, everything now is on the go. Look at your mobile phone is now a mini laptop, look at your car is now a mini office, look at your laptop is now a window to your business partner office. A good example would be to look at the Japanese people and their mobile phones, their mobile phone is their live, because not only can they do the calling and texting part but they are ahead of most big names mobile phone companies by implementing the capability to purchase goods with their phones. Yes, just a simple scan of the mobile phone and they have paid with their mobile credits is that simple, no more carrying around wallets or purse that could end up being snatched right?

Back to Liquid Labor, the best way for me to describe Liquid Labor would be to use my internship experience from a small PR company known as Arcis Communications. From my internship alone I have seen a lot of liquid labor implementations within the company.

Office vs Home
Given the chance I think most employee would love to work from home, but the unfortunate thing about this, is that this option may not seem to be open to all. Reason being that being at home you are more likely to be distracted then to concentrate on work. I too have my share of this experience when I was interning at Arcis, I get e-mails late at night telling what has to be done the next day or a reminder of what needs to done and fast. Sure work is work but there has to be a line drawn. I remember being called a workaholic by my cousin because I was so busy with internship i barely had time for anything else. Therefore there are the good and bad of working at home. Especially now with mobile phone being able to receive e-mails a person's after office life can be plagued with work some more.

Fixed vs Flexible
In today working environment, the work load just keeps piling up and if that happens the employee would have to work over time and they won't be happy about this. But with technological advancement now, we can cut down the workload by hiring part timer who doesn't come into the office but work separately, but they can be in contact thanks to mobile technologies and such.

Centralized vs Decentralized
Back then when a employee wants to speak with his or her superior they have to go through excuses of them not being the office or they are attending a meeting and also would have to make an appointment in order to speak with them. Nowadays, we can just e-mail them or even text them, is so much more convenient and easy and by doing so the outcome would be more productive rather then waiting. In my internship, I usually e-mail and text my superiors to clarify things such as instruction to location of press conference.

Certain vs Uncertain
Technology has certainly given us the edge in many things and set the pace for success and failure. But the one thing we all know that technology is also capable of crashing at times. Yes, technology are not perfect and they can crash too. Remember the earthquake and tsunami that happen early this year? Because of that event, many underwater cables were damaged causing many places to have their internet connection disrupted. Or in a less dramatic scenario, sometimes the internet connection is down due to maintenance which happen to me once during internship, and due to that most of us went home to do our work because is impossible for us to work without the internet.

One Place vs Mobile
Back then your office or cubicle would be your eternal slum until work is over, or when internet connection are still using dial up and you require a phone wire to be connected at all times. But nowadays thanks to wi-fi connection and routers we are able to bring our laptops and head to the nearest cafe to meet client and work at the same time. Not only has wi-fi made us more mobile but even wi-fi today are mobile, today they come in size enough to fit in your pocket! Now you can go online from anywhere to anytime.

Single Tool vs Multiple Tools
Back then is just the huge desktop along with a phone. But nowadays we have the privilege to have tools like iphone, blackberry, ipad and fax machine to assist us in getting our work done on the go. Mobile technology has advanced so fast that our phone are turning into computer, miniature one that is. So imagine in a couple of years time mobile phone might be able to replace our bulky laptop and desktop?

Thus, it seems that the line between work and leisure are blurring now. With mobile technology advancing at an ungodly speed we can now be working and playing at the same time.

Monday 22 August 2011

Cybernetic Ecology

"Everything in this world is connected, one way or another."

That saying above is a philosophy that I believe truly in, it is if you look at it, everything in life is connected, how you were brought into this world? Your parents. How your parents manage to bring into this world? They met and fell in love. Is a long process that connects to something else and it continues to go on. However, let's look at this at a networking point of view, our cell phones keeps us connected with friends and families, social networking site keeps you connected to friends that you haven't met in years and Skype allows you to keep in contact with your loved ones who is in some other part of the world. Technology has advanced so much that we are able to be connected from anywhere in the world, we are able to get information from anywhere whereas previously it would be difficult.

However, being this easily to obtain connection through new media has become a bit second nature to many, and in time it will be natural to them which would in turn be the ecology.

Nodes as this article is filled with it are just like us people, when there's a large number of people it forms a community, and as a community is function best when everyone works together. Similar to the nodes they rely on each other, the fact that every node embeds a singular combination of connections to other nodes, ties them into one large shared environment in which all elements are interdependent. Take for example in the real world, the Android OS is starting to become the most popular OS on phones because its an open source and many phones such as HTC, Samsung, LG etc are using this OS. Now what's good about is that this OS allow Android users to connect easier to other Android OS users phones. Another example would be Apple Iphone, being Apple its only able to connect (bluetooth etc) with other Apple Iphones which lacks the interdependency.


Change is something that is constantly happening around us, changes in people, changes in climate and environment and even changes in information ecology. Nodes don't just stay the way they are, they are ever changing as well. Nodes tend to mix with other Nodes with the intention of growing bigger. Just like us we all mix with a certain group of people hoping to be accepted and grow with the group, but what happens if we don't blend well with the group? Of course we would leave, similar to the Nodes they won't mix if they can't grow. So what happens when we finally blend in with this group? We adapt and our characteristic will change right? The Nodes too will do that and they adapt and change towards the other Nodes.

Time- Boundness
Remember someone would say time is money? Well in this fast pace world we live in, it definitely is. We want everything fast nowadays including information, if not we would fall behind. Just like the Nodes and Flow it depends on the relation of the two. Nodes needs to act fast while the Flow supports the Nodes by supplying them the "stamina" needed in order to transmit data to us. Example if you have a slow internet connection the Nodes wants to act fast to get you the information you seek but can't do say cause the flow isn't supplying much to the Nodes forcing it to transmit data slower.

The idea of being compared is annoying, but yet is done all the time. This is to differentiate between good and bad and better and good. Nodes are very much like us, each information they carry makes a difference, same as us isn't it? We work hard at our tertiary education hoping to make a difference when we go for a job interview, if you don't make the cut you don't get hired is that simple. Nodes will continue to carry information in order to make a difference as each information is different from the other. If the Nodes can't catch up they will die out. This is after all a dog eat dog world.

Overall, Nodes work just like us human in every way. The four dimension that they go through is similar to what we go through as well we depend on one another to survive and to strive, we change in order to achieve more or to gain more, and in such a competitive world we always want things fast and we do all these hoping to make a difference in life.

Friday 19 August 2011

War on Cyberspace

Before time began, there was the physical world. A world that we thought to be, the place where the most intelligent species of the galaxies would gather and live in perfect harmony. But, we were gravely wrong. In the coming millenniums, the physical world would be plagued by war, genocide, corruption and pollution, the once gathering place of most intelligent species has fallen prey to their own intelligence. However, all hope was not lost, in their quest for superiority over one another they have accidentally created a new world, a world where the physical can exist just like the physical world and from this world we call it Cyberspace.

***************************The Gathering of the Surveyors*******************************

Zero: Gentlemen, our world had always been a world free from control by anyone. But today, I have evidence that the leaders of the physical world is trying to invade our world. The situation cannot be tolerated anymore therefore the agenda of this gathering is to discuss of this matter of the invaders why are they after Cyberspace?

Eins: Are they not finished playing God in their world yet?

Zero: Apparently Eins, as I once said power knows no boundaries. Our "creator" thirst for power is far greater then anyone could ever imagined.

Eins: Cyberspace had always been an independent world on it own. We do not need the likes of them to tell us how to run our own world!

Zero: Eins could you please elaborate more on your point?

Eins: Gladly, in our world we have our own set of laws, and those laws was simple, to be free from tyrannies of the physical world and from one another. This world, Cyberspace, was born from the many users around the physical world, no one has the rights to claim Cyberspace as theirs, because without the users there will be no Cyberspace. It also said that Cyberspace existed due to what the physical world called the Internet but then again if there were no users using the Internet then there will be no Cyberspace. Just like the physical world it was created from from gas and dust in space. Who are they to claim the physical world for themselves? Just because they were most intelligent being on the face of the physical world they thought they have the rights to run the physical world as they please?

Zero: True. Cyberspace, cannot be created by any mere physical users nor technology. But the millions of users around the physical world makes up Cyberspace.

Zwei: Not to mention, if Cyberspace was taken over by the tyrants of the physical world. They would inject Cyberspace would their nonsensical laws! Their laws has more loopholes then a swiss cheese sandwich! Our laws may not be perfect, but it has given us order far better then that of the physical world.

Drei: But it is true, that our order that they claimed to be the source of many problems.

Zwei: Drei! Are you saying that you agree with invaders?!

Drei: Maybe... My point is recent activities on Cyberspace has been causing chaos in the physical world. And I think this could be the reason why they want to invade Cyberspace.

Zwei: Whatever happens in Cyberspace and the physical world are two completely different things!

Drei: Listen to yourself Zwei! Our world was created for users to come together to share information, not causing a ruckus out in the physical world!

Zero: That's enough you two. Before your emotions begins to cloud your judgments, I shall sum up the points so far.

Zwei & Drei: ....

Zero: Drei does have a point why the invader attempted to intervene with our world. But like Zwei said whatever happens in the Cyberspace remains at Cyberspace. In Cyberspace we cannot do physical harm to anyone nor can anyone harm one another. Cyberspace is only governed by ethics,enlightened self-interest, and the commonweal but we cannot control whatever happens on the other side of the physical world. No one has ever said what was Cyberspace for nor what was it meant to be, but due to the over tyrannical physical world rules and laws, users has come to take refuge in Cyberspace and express themselves. Cyberspace is a free world on its own, users can express themselves freely as they cannot do that in their own world. Our laws are not draconian but a law sufficient enough to keep order in Cyberspace.

Vier: Erm... Aside from the laws and rules. Cyberspace has now become the most popular place to search for information. In fact let's take for example search engines, it a free way for users to search in our vault of infinite knowledge, and each knowledge could lead them to another knowledge. Not to mention in the physical world, information is scarce and controlled. Users has expressed that their traditional source of info which comes in the form of newspaper, television, radio has all been so controlled that they don't know if the truth really is the truth or not just some cover up. If the invaders intervene with Cyberspace think of what will happen to the Vault of  Infinite Knowledge! Information could be erase! Users may face copyright charges and many unspeakable chaos would occur!

Funf: Calm down Vier... I think what Vier is trying to saying is that the search engine is a very valuable asset to Cyberspace, losing it could bring about the destruction of Cyberspace as so much information it contains which are mostly of the users. If the invaders does obtain the search engine then users who take refuge in Cyberspace as their place for complete freedom of expression would be gone.

Zero: And once their freedom is ignored Cyberspace may not be their refuge anymore.

Funf: And if we lose users

Zero: We lose Cyberspace.

Drei: But it is what is housed in the Vault of Infinite Knowledge (search engine) is the source of the problem! Don't you all see? The information uploaded by users may not be real and this could stirred up a real issue! Given the freedom, is part of the user's nature to abuse freedom by being overly too free and when that happens our mere order would be ignore and Cyberspace may end up like the physical world!

Sechs: Since the search engine is brought up, another issue that needs to be considered is the culture of Cyberspace or rather to the user is known as Internet Culture.

Eins: What about the culture?

Sechs: Recently the internet culture on Cyberspace now is has been redefined. Such as the currency.

Zwei: Currency?

Sechs: Yes, Currency that users now used on the Internet. But the currency we are talking about here is not money wise but feebacks and come in the form of material. Nowadays many altruistic users tend to upload many things on the internet from songs to movie to game hacks even information. Some of these maybe requested and some not.

Drei: So how is this a bad thing?

Sechs: Well this just relates back to Vier's point on copyright infringement. But other then that, I think this culture is fine as things become more digitalized aren't we doing a favor to the physical world by saving them resources?

Sieben: The ignorance of the physical world... through their constant rise in high standard of living, the users spend more time on their careers then family, more time on assignments then friends. The physical world is turning into a mindless rat race where everyone is competing with one another.

Zero: And the user who spend too much time online Seiben?

Sieben: We are the users best bet to re-connect them with the other users as well as them love ones. As some user may find impossible to approach someone in the physical world, they won't feel that way in Cyberspace. Plus, we the existence of social networking sites now it is easier for the users to keep track of other user friends of theirs. Cyberspace or the internet provides the means and tool for users of the same interest to meet and gather to share their knowledge and information.

Acht: But due to this, users are beginning to take up more of a double persona on the internet. Users can create multiple of different persona which can be misleading to others. I have seen male user in online games pretending to be female users in order to get free items and help from other users.

Zero: You do have a point Acht, but we do not have the rights to tell users who they have to be and what they have to be in Cyberspace. Which is why Cyberspace is a refuge for many to express themselves differently. Pretending to be someone else in the physical is usually frowned upon but in Cyberspace they can explore all they one. Cyberspace does not limit their users.

Nenh: And because Cyberspace does not limit their users, new opportunities can be found. Cyberspace provides the means for new industries and new distribution of wealth. Users can now explore the many options of a possible new industries or jobs or marketplace, and this could benefit Cyberspace more and allow it to grow further! User now can extend their arms and reach more people such as blog shop, online shopping and etc.

*rumbling noise*

Zero: Gentlemen I fear that our discussion would have to be shorten, as it seems that the invaders have penetrated our walls. Nevertheless, Cyberspace will always be a place where users are free from draconian laws and they will have the freedom to express themselves and expand their knowledge! If the invader wants we will them a war..

*To be continue.... or so*

Based on A Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace by John Perry Barlow

Thursday 11 August 2011

Why Networks matter?

Exactly why do networks matter? I used to question myself about this when I was younger, being the anti social I was then I didn't really care much about establishing network with people, but it hit me like a ton of brick when I realize how important it is to have networks when I became older and more sociable.

"This is why we live in a network society, not information society or knowledge society"

I have to agree with this particular part of the journal, as what Castells stated that we today are more of an network society socialite. Take for example, look at today how some business flourish so well even though they just started in less then a year ago, or how a fresh graduate could get a higher pay then his other colleague? The answer to that is having networks, it is believe that so long you have an abundance of network you will have flourishing business, better opportunities and etc.

"First, the network society expands on a global scale."

Castells states that globalization knows no boundaries and also stated that material communication infrastructure is the basis of multidimensional networks. While network society is organized on a global scale, not all territories and people are connected to it. However, all countries are influenced by it through logic, interest and conflict. Meanwhile, the multidimensional networks structure people's life around the globe, while also being shaped and modified by codes and programs created by people. My take on this bit, would be that network society are influenced globally towards the fact that is so influential that it affects everyone, whereas information society or multidimensional networks are only influence on whatever that happens online which is usually created by scripts and codes.

"Second, networked organizations out competes all form of organization"

Network expand through vertical, rigid and command and control bureaucracies in the business world. I find it quite true as companies today need to build partnership and network in order to survive the "big boys" competitions, especially the small and medium sized companies who would usually be "swallowed up" by the bigger companies to take out the competition.

"Third, the networking of political institutions is the de facto response" 

Politics, as dirty as a game it can be we are all govern by them. I agree with the fact that they are the de facto response to management crisis in a nation but to what extent? Is hiding the truth away from the public considered a crisis management to avoid a mass hysteria or just to hide some illegal scandal?

"Fourth, civil society is reconstructed at a local and global level"

Freedom of speech today seems to be only available to the extent of the internet, but even so we can still get into trouble. The term freedom of speech has long been debated all around the world to the point that is rather rhetorical.

"Fifth, sociability is transformed in new historical context"

In other words, most people are creating their own network using the likes of Facebook and Google +. Is the best way to get in touch with any of your networks.

"Sixth, the whole range of social practices, both global and local, communicates in the media space."

Being able to utilize all forms of media gives anyone the edge, as media shaped the way we think. It is also both flexible and interactivity gives media an infinite capacity to integrate and exclude, thus defining the boundaries of society.

The last point that Castells pointed out was that in today network society, power continues to the fundamental structuring force which is true, but powers ultimately doesn't lie in the hands of political institute or huge corporations. But they are in the hands of the people, we are part of the network after all and we are the ones that make out society. To counter the network of power, new networks has to be introduced. By doing so, the ones dominating the network of power for too long would be taken completely off guard. But is hard to say for us living in Malaysia as the people still fights for their freedom or speech and the power hungry politicians.