Monday 31 October 2011

Somethings are best left unknown

Ever found yourself having a great time munching on something scrumptious and without a single care in the world of what is it until someone tells you what was stuffed inside that scrumptious meal you were happily chowing down? The truth can be harsh sometimes.

When the internet was created, it gave many internet users the freedom express themselves on the internet and it was sort of our freedom of speech, because we live in a time where the leaders want us to know less in order to maintain the harmony we have now. But they see the internet as a new form of media that can disrupt this harmony and thus has tried numerous time to attempt to limit the freedom that is bestow on us internet users to express ourselves freely.

The internet as I have stated before is like a vast universe that seems to span endlessly, and the amount of user that uses the internet increases at such ungodly speed. There is no possible way for anyone to be able to contain all that information from being distributed as long as the users keep using the internet there will be information. Thing is information is power and with that it can make or break others, depending on how the information is used, it definitely depends on the holder. Such a person or thing we speak of that has such an ability that politicians and corporate leaders tremble at its very name and cast their best efforts to bring down this fiend they fear so much, Wikileaks is the name.

As Benkler has highlighted in his article A free irresponsible press: Wikileaks and the battle over the soul of the networked fourth estate he stated that Wikileaks acts as a new model watchdog of today. There is no doubt we all have our little secrets that we won't want people to know such as our private lives, government sectors and huge corporation too will have their share of "dirty work" that they have done the best they could to possibly cover it up. And there's probably a good reason for the cover up because somethings are best kept unknown, for all we know what they are trying to do could benefit us just that there are some details they wish to leave out from the public eye. As citizens indeed we have our rights, but to what extends does our right state that we have to everything? Which is very rhetorical indeed.

Wikileaks like our beloved Wikipedia provides us with information, information that was never meant for our eyes. Wikileaks takes advantage of the internet free flow of information in order to obtain confidential information on government sectors and huge corporations. One would question Wikileaks as to why are they doing this, why do they want to obtain confidential information on government sectors and corporations? Are they trying to expose the truth for a reason or just expose it cause they can and they want to. There is a lot of questioning as to whether or not the act of Wikileaks should be seen as a good thing or a bad thing.

From my personal point of view, I say Wikileaks does has its purpose and definitely it is there for a good cause, providing us with the information that is hidden from us to hide the dirty deeds of government officials or the cut down in quality in corporate products. But sometimes there are deeper reasons for why certain information needs to be kept away from the public. Say for example if Wikileaks were to leak info that there is actually a cure for AIDS, what do you think will happen? The worst case scenario is that the percentage of protected sex would sky rocket, sexual assault cases will increase in ungodly speed, unwanted pregnancy and a string of uncontrollable chaos and calamity will occur. Is just a scenario but there are hundreds or thousands of possibilities that certain information are not meant to be know by the public for their safety and harmony sake.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Ivan!

    I totally agree with you on your last point as Wikileaks does has its purpose. In relation to anything in life and society we living in today, everything we encounter, we do, we see, we have, does have its purpose in some way that either is beneficial or negative towards a certain aspect. Information as you mention also has to be somehow regulated in order to ensure that peace is maintain within the society and not cause any trouble from happening that could endanger people's live.
